'Workflow' By Mathieu Frossard

pépite presents 'Workflow', an exhibition of ceramic pieces from Mathieu Frossard's atelier.
View available pieces here.
This exhibition summons different themes and aesthetics that can be found in Mathieu's work, referring to the mundanity of everyday objects, not so trivial trite phrases, maximalism of Baroque style and the use of eye-catching colours.
Living and working in France, Mathieu Frossard creates works that stand somewhere between art, design and craft. Looking at these practices from a distance, Mathieu's work is a collage of aesthetic references, shapes and materials that blur boundaries and offer multiple paths for the viewer to apprehend his work.
Giving viewers visual references, Mathieu pushes them to confront their own imaginative faculties, inviting them to interpret these as their own and to create stories based on what they see.
Simultaneously attractive and repulsive, precise and chaotic, he composes with different visual references from several backgrounds, questioning diverse aspects of contemporary creation like "good taste", beauty, or function.
Mathieu graduated in art and design from ESAD in Rheims, France, and completed his Masters at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, the Netherlands - he has since exhibited his work throughout Europe with various partners and events such as Paris Design Week and has recently been awarded the First Prize in the ‘International Ceramics Competition of Carouge’.
View available pieces here.
For all sales enquiries please contact us at hello@pepite.com.au
'Workflow' by Mathieu Frossard
October 7th - 21st
Wed-Fri 11am - 4pm
Mon-Tue by appointment
pépite, Le Space, 1 Mater Street, Collingwood 3066